Automated Medical Billing vs Outsourced Medical Billing

Automated Medical Billing vs Outsourced Medical Billing

Medical billing and coding are assuredly some of the most integral jobs in medical practices. That’s because the billers and coders are assigned to codify and manage both the medical and billing information of countless patients. One simple mistake could not only be expensive but also harmful to the health of your patients. The question…

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What is a Superbill for Medical Therapy?

What is a Superbill for Medical Therapy?

Many people feel confused and upset regarding insurance, premiums, medical bills, and other things related to healthcare. In such cases most of the time you just need a quick, simple, and easy explanation to understand all. So is about the superbills. If you’ve heard the term, and want to know about superbill, how it works,…

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Independent Medical Practices: Top Challenges in 2022

Independent Medical Practices: Top Challenges in 2022

The healthcare industry is facing rapid changes. Let’s discuss major challenges faced by Independent Medical Practices in the healthcare industry with Zee Medical Billing to stay ahead in 2022 and beyond. Independent practices comprise a major part of the American healthcare system. People are more influenced by these independent practices as they are comparatively economical and…

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Top Healthcare Events & Conferences 2022

Top Healthcare Events & Conferences 2022

As the 2021 challenging year comes to a close, it’s worth looking ahead to 2022 and what it points to the healthcare industry. One of the best attitudes is to attend healthcare events and conferences according to your schedule and budget. We are optimistic things will change in 2022, there is a diverse shift to…

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Behavioral Health vs Mental Health: Definitions and Difference

Behavioral Health vs Mental Health: Definitions & Difference

According to the Maine Health Access Foundation, for every 10 people in a doctor’s office, seven are there seeking care for reasons related to behavioral health. These issues can include depression, anxiety, diabetes management, weight loss, smoking cessation, and drinking or drug use problems. This has led a growing number of healthcare providers to offer…

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RIS, CIS, PACS and DICOM: What are the differences?

RIS, CIS, PACS and DICOM: What are the differences?

Healthcare professionals often use jargon when speaking amongst themselves, and this should be no surprise. This is how people in different industries can communicate more effectively with one another. Acronyms prove to be beneficial as they offer a shorthand way to explain situations, processes, concepts, and other specific items that may otherwise take longer to…

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Christmas Season Injuries ICD-10 Codes

Christmas Season Injuries ICD-10 Codes

The most anticipated time of the year is here! Yes, It’s December, the time to celebrate and indulge in treats and sweets, and loads of gifts. This is the holiday season, time to decorate and gather with loved ones. The hustle and bustle of the Christmas Season make it a prime time for injuries and…

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What is Interoperability in Healthcare?

What is Interoperability in Healthcare?

The world is getting smaller and smaller as more people can communicate more easily and connect over networked computerized systems. Many gains are being made as various software and computer systems link up with one another for automated data sharing. With so many complicated systems being networked together, problems of interoperability should be thought of by…

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Telehealth Nursing Career

Telehealth Nursing Career

In recent years Telehealth increased rapidly, especially over the past few months in particular—as patients and providers have adopted the service’s potential to upgrade healthcare. Through various telehealth platforms, patients can now access high-quality care from home or any other place faraway—this has been proved helpful during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to safety, telehealth…

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Medicare 8 minute Rule for Physical Therapy

Medicare 8 minute Rule for Physical Therapy

.Medicare has certain rules and regulations in place to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse.  Here’s one you may have heard of – the 8-minute rule. As a Medicare beneficiary, it’s helpful to be acquainted with terms such as Medicare’s “8-minute rule” to understand how Medicare gets charged for the services. Due to the limited understanding…

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