Behavioral Health Trends for 2022

Behavioral Health Trends for 2022

Behavioral health (BH) has been one of the most extensive growth areas in the health care ecosystem over the last two years, fueled by the Public Health Emergency (PHE), but it is still an ignored, overlooked, understaffed, and underfunded component of care delivery in the United States. Providers, payers, and both public and private investors…

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Podiatry CPT Coding Updates for 2022

Podiatry CPT Coding Updates for 2022

Every year on January 1, the American Medical Association publishes a new set of Current Procedural Terminology. The majority of the changes for podiatry practices this year are due to new guidance language rather than code additions, deletions, or edits. Before we get into the Podiatry CPT Coding Updates for 2022, let’s first define podiatry…

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New Pain Management Coding Updates and Guidelines 2022

New Pain Management Coding Updates and Guidelines 2022

Understanding medical terminology has always been an important requirement for medical coders. They should review anatomy and physiology terms to better understand the language of the new codes. Another important recommendation for ICD-10-compatible software and computer formats is troubleshooting. This knowledge will aid healthcare providers in quickly resolving any technical issues. As a result, healthcare…

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Life Expectancy with Blocked Carotid Artery

Life Expectancy with Blocked Carotid Artery

Stroke is commonly caused by blocked carotid arteries. In the United States, approximately 750,000 new strokes occur each year, with carotid artery disease in the neck accounting for approximately 20% of all cases. Furthermore, roughly two-thirds of strokes occur unexpectedly. While most strokes occur in patients without carotid artery disease, when a stroke does occur,…

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Wyoming Medical Billing Services

Wyoming Medical Billing Services

Maintaining an efficient medical billing department and running a medical practice in Wyoming can be difficult. By hiring a medical billing company, you and your staff will be able to focus on practicing medicine and providing quality patient care. A Wyoming medical billing service can increase the profitability of your practice, whether you are a…

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QPP - Meaning of Quality Payment Program for Medical Billing

QPP – Meaning of Quality Payment Program for Medical Billing

The elimination of the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula, which would have resulted in lower physician payments, was a critical component of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015. MACRA wants to ramp up the transition to a healthcare system that rewards quality and value over quantity and improves patients’ health outcomes. Medicare reimbursement…

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Texas Medical Billing Services

Texas Medical Billing Services

Running a medical practice in Texas and maintaining an efficient medical billing department can be quite challenging. By contracting the services of a medical billing company, you and your staff can focus on practicing medicine and delivering quality patient care. Whether you are a primary care physician or run a specialty practice or urgent care…

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AdvancedMD Billing Services for Specialty

AdvancedMD Billing Services for Specialty

Are you tired of entering billing information into your AdvancedMD EHR? Is your reimbursement decreasing? Do you want to cut your collection costs? Do you want to dedicate more time to patient care? If so, Zee Medical Billing employs AdvancedMD Billing Services for Specialty to address the majority of issues that hinder healthcare practices. Our…

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SNFs Blanket Waivers Declaration

SNFs Blanket Waivers Declaration

In response to the COVID-19 PHE and under section 1135 of the Social Security Act, CMS issued several temporary emergency SNFs Blanket Waivers Declaration on April 7, 2022. It aimed at providing healthcare providers with the extra flexibility required to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. While waivers of regulatory requirements have offered nursing homes more…

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