Sara Smith

subscription based healthcare services

The Rise of Subscription-Based Healthcare Services and its Billing Challenges

In recent years, the healthcare industry also transformed and one important component in this shift is the payment models. Among those models Subscription-based healthcare services gain more popularity because traditional fee-for-service models face scrutiny and limitations, subscription models offer an innovative approach to providing continuous, accessible care. But there are drawbacks to this worldview change,…

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CPT Code 96372

CPT Code 96372 Description and Reimbursement Guideline

CPT code which is also known as Current Procedural Terminology. These codes are designed to help healthcare providers to identify each service they provide. CPT contains more than 10000 codes and among these codes CPT Code 96372 is essential. It is especially used for subcutaneous or intramuscular injections that are therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic (insert…

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patient statement service

What is Patient Statement Service in Medical Billing

The patient statement service is essential to maintaining smooth communication between patients and healthcare professionals in the complex world of medical billing. In order to manage patient accounts, increase transparency, and eventually strengthen the financial standing of medical practices, this service is crucial. Healthcare providers can simplify their billing procedures and guarantee timely payments by…

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EOR in medical billing

Understanding the role of EOR in Medical Billing

Medical billing fields contain different complex terms that require knowledge and systems to ensure accuracy and compliance. One of the critical facts that is important to know in the healthcare industry is the Explanation of Review (EOR). EOR plays a very crucial role in the medical billing process as it impacts both providers and payers.…

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patient privacy and security

How NPI improves Patient Privacy and Security

One factor that should not be compromised is patient privacy and security. In the field of medical billing, privacy is most important for both healthcare providers and patients alike. This security is ensured with the help of NPI which is also called National Provider Identification. This NPI enhances both the privacy and security of patients…

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Rigorous Processes in Revenue Cycle

The Significance of Rigorous Processes in Revenue Cycle Evolution

All the companies are competing to generate more revenue. That’s why revenue is considered an important factor in healthcare management. But to sustain the financial health it is necessary to implement rigorous processes within the revenue cycle. This rigorous process enhances operational efficiency and also optimizes revenue generation. So let’s see in detail the importance…

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physician billing vs hospital billing

How does Physician Billing differ from Hospital Billing?

Physician billing which is also known as ambulatory surgical center billing or professional billing is the process of filing claims performed by a healthcare provider. On the other hand hospital billing also known as institutional billing is the process of providing billing services by the hospital or institution. Both terms look similar but in actuality,…

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co45 in medical billing

Significance of CO-45 in Medical Billing

Codes play a very important role in the medical billing field. The purpose of these codes is to convert medical services, procedures, and diagnoses into universal codes. These codes help to make communication easy with the insurance companies and remove all the confusion. It also helps to ensure that all healthcare providers are reimbursed for…

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surprise medical bills

10 Tips to Protect yourself from Surprise Medical Bills

In the US, healthcare expenses are already very high. And in this high cost surprise bills add more financial burden to everyone. These unexpected surprise expenses arise when you receive medical services from an out-of-network provider without your prior knowledge. Now you might think, what is the solution? The solution is to protect yourself from…

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