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Benefit Recovery Group Reflects Growth and Innovation Through New Intellivo Brand

Benefit Recovery Group (BRG), a reputable subrogation partner, declared today that Intellivo is the new name for the organization. In order to lower costs for providers, health plans, and consumers, the firm has developed a best-in-class cost containment identification technology and service. This move is in line with the company’s continued growth in technological development and market expansion. In order to optimize providers’ ability to collect billed amounts, the company most recently extended its services to the provider sector, supporting pre-bill capabilities to find more undetected third-party payment opportunities. In the coming months, it plans to open an office in St. Louis to further increase its physical footprint.

"Our new name underscores the importance of intelligence throughout our operations - from the intelligence in cutting-edge technology to the intelligence of a better process for achieving cost savings." "The Intellivo brand illuminates our patient and member-first mindset, the latest technology and end-to-end insights that help our clients differentiate themselves through accuracy, speed, positive experiences and savings."

CEO of Intellivo, Laura Hescock

The company’s continual evolution is acknowledged by the proactive move of changing its name. For two decades, BRG has assisted health plans in locating and securing payment for medical costs in cases where a third party is determined to be at fault. The development of technology and the extension of such services to offer more complete solutions are embodied by the new Intellivo brand.

"Our algorithm and direct connections with TPL clearinghouse channels allow us to identify undetected TPL payment opportunities, act as a risk-free safety net for our clients' current billing processes, and optimize client revenue," Hescock stated. "We are unwavering in our commitment to help intelligently illuminate the whole story behind the rising cost of care as more providers, health plans, and consumers gain the ability to take charge of their own care."


In order to provide an end-to-end cost reduction service for complicated TPL claims, Intellivo will keep offering thorough pre-bill and post-pay TPL detection services as well as full recovery solutions. While integrating their new name into their operations, Intellivo is dedicated to upholding their present white-glove service standards and providing customers with the reports and intelligence they require to advance their companies.

“It is important to know that while our name has changed, how we serve our clients has not,” Hescock stated. “Our new name better captures who we have already become into in our efforts to assist our clients in maximizing their returns and savings. Our customers will still receive transparent service and the same caliber of performance in addition to having access to a wider range of options.”

With decades of combined expertise, Intellivo’s team of professionals is familiar with the intricate legal frameworks governing this industry. Utilizing Intellivo’s knowledge and technology, clients may increase yearly reimbursements:

  • More than 70 million patients see clinicians each year for recuperation-related services.
  • Reimbursements have improved by up to 300% as compared to internal efforts alone.
  • Four of the top five ED management firms are served by Intellivo.

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