Mental Health Nursing Medical Billing Services

Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Billing

Mental Health Nursing Medical Billing is unique in the way that the codes usually used for billing to insurance companies are medical Evaluation and Management codes (E&M).  However, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners may use the typical mental health codes when they claim.  Zee Medical Billing Company is specialized in advising Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners on coding properly and effectively, accurately, and honestly maximize their revenue and get reimbursement for the actual work done.  Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners tend to be very busy looking after large numbers of patients for short periods of time. Moreover, they are left with little time to manage a practice as well as billing. So, Zee Medical Billing helps Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners in Mental Health Nursing Billing.

Mental Health Nursing Medical Billing Services

Zee Medical Billing Expertise

Zee Medical Billing has been servicing mental health professionals for many years.  Our primary goal is to take the burden of dealing with insurance companies off the shoulders of the Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. We provide prompt transmission of claims and securing thorough, accurate reimbursement from insurance companies and patients.  Our advanced and “State of the Art” technology and electronic submission of claims ensures timely filing. We have a turnaround time of reimbursement of as little as seven days.

We Serve All States

Zee Medical Billing can provide you with outstanding personalized service, no matter where your practice is located within the United States.  We provide you with dedicated staff that is always available to provide you with outstanding and expert customer service.

Zee Medical Billing will give you peace of mind to have your efficiently run practice. So with our Mental Health Nursing Medical Billing, we will give you freedom from stress to reduce your anxiety.

Zee Medical Billing makes every effort to streamline the process of getting you started quickly and efficiently with particular emphasis on personalized service for you.

Get a free no-sting attached billing services quote from ZEE Medical Billing for your practice.

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